
World Pangolin Day 2024

There is a problem in Africa and Asia with the hunting of a scaly mammal called the Pangolin.

These animals are harvested to excess for their scales, skin, blood, and fetuses which are thought to be useful in fashion, medicine, and cooking.

They are typically trapped illegally and trafficked for killing by the recipients who think they are both a cure all and status meal which is very tasty.

Pangolin (Pholidota)

World Pangolin Day is an annual observance designed to raise awareness of the plight of these animals whose number dwindle precipitously due to the abuses they suffer at the hands of selfish people.

They are on the list of things I will not eat and the more I learn of these animals the more I want to join the fight to protect them on the planet.

It is a shame that an animal will be poached from it's habitat then killed and eaten though their entire species is endangered by some Asian looking for status among their peers.

See Also:

Things I won't Eat