
World Menopause Day 2021

Not being of the female persuasion, I am theoretically not subject to menopause. However, I have heard other men laughingly accuse other men of being in menopause. My memories of the state in life surround my dear mother who suffered horrendous hot flashes and I could tell that she was in distress by these phenomena.

Therefore, I don't typically joke around regarding menopause given the shocking experience I have seen with it's appearance.
Menopause may be defined as the the ceasing of menstruation.

It typically becomes a period in the life of a woman between 45 and 50 years and is accompanied by hormonal changes which may or may not be controlled medically.

World Menopause Day is held annually on October 18th.

The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of the menopause and the support options available for improving health and wellbeing.

It incorporates a global awareness raising campaign for women and professionals which includes materials distribution and events designed to engage people in what menopause is and create a village of informed individuals.

The theme for World Menopause Day 2021 is Bone health which is one of those hormone specific processes affected by menopause.