
World Homeopathy Day 2021

Homeopathic Dispensary    

The World Homeopathy Day is celebrated annually each April 10 in commemoration of homoeopathy and that which it contributes to the medical establishment.

The day corresponds to the anniversary of the birth of German physician Dr Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann who founded homoeopathy.

This system of medical treatment modalities is based on the proposition that the body can cure itself. Those who practice it use minute amounts of natural substances, like plants and minerals which are believed to stimulate the healing process.

Developed in the late 1700s in Germany the field of homeopathy is commonly available to patients in many European countries with considerably less of a following in the US.

If you go to a wholistic medical practice you are likely to have homeopathic services made available to you.

Homeopathy is not emergency medicine. It is inappropriate for life threatening situations and is primarily directed at milder, more chronic afflictions.

It is never a bad idea to get a second opinion from a another type practitioner before embarking in any homeopathic course of actdion in an effort to preclude drug interactions and ingredient precautions such as those for heavy metals and others of known toxicity.