
World Heart Day 2020

Human Heart Drawing    
The words "heart disease" refer to a group of medical disorders affecting the heart and include blood vessels.

I have a number of serious risk factors due to my genetics and lifestyle and I have lost many family members to various conditions which may be included under that umbrella classification called "heart disease".

Today is another World Heart Day. It is held under the auspices of The World Heart Federation (WHF) which is a nongovernmental organization based in Geneva, Switzerland since 1972.

It is an amalgamation of several organizations such as the International Society of Cardiology which merged with the International Cardiology Federation then changed their collective name to the World Heart Federation.

Despite the combination and formation drama, this organization hosts the World Congress of Cardiology which is an association of cardiologists.

"World Heart Day" was founded in 2000 to inform people around the globe that heart disease and stroke are the world’s leading causes of death.

Your risk factors and awareness of your physical condition are the two greatest weapons against premature death from heart disese. This is the underlying reason for the observation of World Heart Day.