
World Heart Day 2018

    World Heart Day 2018
One of the most devastating experiences is the loss of a loved one. Particularly one made to suffer.

The hospital staff will be all polite but they really do detach themselves from any pity for lifestyle diseases in general and would just as soon tell you in no uncertain terms how much fault lay with the patient than anything else.

Some of the physician's office staff treating these lifestyle diseases are the rudest human beings on the planet.

I don't want to mention any names ... Dr Ghent.

Cardiovascular disease remains one of the most common killers of people and has been for decades.

Lifestyle choices, those habits we cultivate over time, genetics, and diet in particular influence the disease process and often time those consequences are severe ...

Not just for the individual experiencing the disease, but for those loved ones who care about that individual as well.

World Heart Day began in 2000 as a vehicle by which people could be informed internationally regarding the impact of heart disease and stroke — which continue to be leading cause of death on the planet.

So unless you're an evil democrat like the rude violence inciting troglodyte Maxine Waters or the evil tard imbecile Cory Booker you have a heart.

It's up to you to take care of it because the hospital which escorts you to The Almighty in those final days could really not care less about you and your lifestyle diseases causing your death.