
World Elephant Day 2020

I've acquired a soft spot in my heart for elephants.

This is primarily the result of various exposes, news reports, and documentaries of poachers and the massive needless killing of these intelligent animals for ivory which their bodies manufacture.

They have their own matriarchal society enhanced with defined family structures where males and females exist separately.

There is a matriarch cow who leads a herd of females. Each herd is made up of mothers, daughters, sisters and aunts.

Bull elephants exist as either loners or small bands of males.

I have not ever had the opportunity to interact with an elephant up close.

World Elephant Day is an an international observance each August 12 held in the name of preserving and protecting pachyderms all over.

It is the 2011 by brainchild of Canadian filmmakers Patricia Sims and Michael Clark of Canazwest Pictures.

Joining them was Sivaporn Dardarananda, Secretary-General of the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation in Thailand.

It is held under the auspices of Patricia Sims and the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation who continues to lead and direct World Elephant Day. The observance is presently supported by over 65 wildlife organizations along with many individuals in various jurisdiction internationally.