
World Day for International Justice 2021

    Scales of Justice in the United States UNDER DURESS

Justice is lacking in the United States of America. The democratic party of the United States continuously attempts to run ripshod over the Constitution of the country and customize the law to suit their own evil ends at control. They want to curtail reasonable voting identification requirements so that no one can vote them out of office and they may retain control of power forever.

So this is the World Day for International Justice aka Day of International Criminal Justice aka International Justice Day. It is supposedly a world wide celebration of the so-called system of international criminal justice.

The only problem with this scenario is the membership of the International Criminal Court includes the same ilk of corrupt leftist libtard cretins as those which gravitate to the democratic party of the United States seeking monitization of office and political power ad infinitum.

Then President Donald Trump signed an executive order imposing sanctions on several individuals associated with the International Criminal Court for criminal activities of its membership.

Naturally, the leftist elements are up in arms with his decision and level unsubstantiated suppositions regarding the motivations of this action.

The bottom line here is we don't need the world policing us or handling any element of our juris prudence.

Stupid NWO globalists preach this tired stupid George HW Bush traitor mantra of the one world system that the Bible foretold centuries ago.

Hear that United Nations ? Go to Hell along with that criminal element masquerading as an International Criminal Court.

July 17 is a day which will live in infamy when the real world comes calling. As the democrats will fall so will the World Day for International Justice and it's criminal international court constituency.

We cannot depend on the democrat party of the United States nor their leftist libtard allies to support justice nor even do the right thing. All they want is votes to keep them in power and they will bankrupt the nation and hold the entirety of us hostage to attain their evil ends.

How much longer can this farce which is the democrat party of the United States continue their evil attempts at domination and control.