
World Bartender Day 2023

watering hole bar    
My young cousin Michael is a bartender. He likes the work and the social aspects of the environment.

My tastes are far removed from his in this regard. I prefer a quiet back office where I can sit before my machine and hammer out code or stand at a bench engaged in hardware repair. He does a bit of web development, but is not the code warrior I once was.

This retirement thingie of mine leaves a lot of time for all that stuff I once wanted to engage — but with which I no longer bother.

I keep thinking that the bar tending world might be a suitable retirement employment for me. I just don't feel I meet an adequate level of social compatibility. I'm way too type A and way too predisposed to solitude so a loud raucous environment with televisions blaring some sports event as you frequently encounter in the various bars just could never float my boat.

Today is World Bartender Day. It happens on February 24 to celebrate bar tenders internationally. Bar flies like so many of those with whom I am acquainted hold the bar tender as an indispensible part of their lives. I'm sure the hospitality industry holds them in high regard ...

That's it !

I lack sufficent hospitality to be a bar tender. Besides, I don't want my existence to be pursuant to gratuities either.

Happy World Bartender Day to Michael and the rest of you bartenders out there. I hope you have a good day and may your tip jar overfloweth !