An observance that doesn't typically come to my mind is World Anthropology Day. The observance is held on the third Thursday of February, making it February 15th this year and it is a vehicle for celebrating the field and sharing information regarding Anthropology with the interested public.
I would likely not be in that group otherwise. I have my own interests in studying humanity but these pursuits are more of a personal nature secondary to my inquisitiveness and I am already well versed in human behavior, biology, and societal functionality.
The day began in 2015 under the auspices of The American Anthropological Association. It was originally called National Anthropology day and of course the masses must squirt their globalist taint on everything.
It is an interesting interlude in the origins of humanity, the development of cultures, scientific methodology — and attempts to explain much of the infuriating aspects of various human interactions as well. The field attempts to be unbiased but I'm afraid the notion never fails to seep into many of those presentations offered. I think it's an attempt to place that culture being discussed in the most favorable light.
So love it or hate it Anthropology will likely exist as long as people do. If the insufferable evil asshole Bill Gates continues to get his sick way we will likely see greatly diminished numbers of people and cultures following his various genocide programs. The Gates Foundation was founded to kill off the bulk of world population. No one seems to be concerned, however, except India. What woke fools populate the Earth anymore.