Never meant to be as crass as I was at the start of the AIDS epidemic. Being primarily the purview of those gayboys I detested — and I was was quite okay with the thought of their horrible painful deaths as the consequences of their actions and "just desserts" if you will.
So, as many do I evolved over the years and other populations were affected and even I relented in my stupid callousness which was not just uncalled for ... but downright mean at times.
Particularly the jokes in which I reveled so often.
Anyway I still have my insensitive moments, just not those which surround deadly disease processes, lifestyle or not.
Today is World AIDS Day. It brings attention to the scourge of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. I don't ridicule people with AIDS nor those persons who are HIV positive either.
The kinder, gentler Dave was a result of my continued understanding secondary to close indepth study — and evolution as a person more attuned to humanity.