
Work Harder Day 2025

    Rebecca Romejin as Mystique

Hard work provides benefits to your existence. Opportunity for advancement, retirement fundage, the respect of your peers as well as your employers.

Work Harder Day is observed each January 12th and is as the name suggests; an opportunity to work harder and the reap the benefits of a job well done.

Success is a function of hard work, subject mastery, skill acquisition and public comportment.

I have found personally that the more humble approach is much more well received than the braggadocio that sometimes eminates from our traps just because we think we have done well.

Work Harder Day appears to have began back in 2016.

You want to stand on your own two feet so it won't be discovered that like Thomas Edison your main claim to fame is riding on the coat tails of someone truly worthy.

Happy Work Harder Day and I wish you success in your endeavors.