
Women's Healthy Weight Day 2024

    The Slaton Sisters
Ah, stalking the southern buffarillo used to be a hobby of mine. Back in the old Navy days I would grab a fattie and mount some large roomy woman in an effort to populate the Earth.

It would seem that my pursuits transgressed the boundaries of woman's health and indeed, there were quite a few disqualifications along the way. It would seem that I am a bit of a choosy mother and not all large women are equal.

Today is Women’s Healthy Weight Day. It happens each Thursday of the third full week in January. It touts health and stresses that the barbi doll figures of olden times aren't really a healthy example for any woman because it is unrealistic and unattainable for most without surgery.

Nutrition, exercise, the monitoring of attitudes, and sleep come in to play in that health regimen which will make or break the larger women among us. The antiquated BMI (Body Mass Index) which was NEVER a good index of physical stature as far as I was concerned has been supplanted by more wholistic approaches which include women with a little meat on their bones.

Suffice it to say I accept you as you are. No need to attain anything to be in my company. Should we hit it off, you get to be as large as you feel is appropriate.