
Wireless Provisioning for Mama

    Netgear AX6000 WiFi Extender

They're getting close on Mom's house so I decided to get a wireless range extender so that her internet experience won't degrade in her new place.

My primary considerations in the choice of extenders were the technical specs.

The one I chose will provide the most bandwidth and coverage though the distance between our houses doesn't really REQUIRE extending per se ... but I wanted to go for the gusto.

The fact that it is in the same product line as the router it will extend is neither here nor there.

Mom has really taken to the wireless on the homestead given the trouncing she took at the hands of Consumer Cellular ...

They have a decidedly finite definition of "unlimited" and simply cut you off without warning until you pay them additional money.

Their treatment of her was totally unsatisfactory and has left me considerably chapped with both them and AARP who recommended their sorry asses.

Misrepresenting the deal is never okay.

So now she will essentially have the same connectivity in her new house as she does in her room in my house where she is holding temporary audience.

There are some things you don't mess with and my mama is one of them.

She gets the technological edge she needs because of who she is. She has earned this consideration and provisioning on this — her new frontier.

Consumer Cellular (and AARP) can simply go to Hell.