
Wild Foods Day 2022

    Euell Gibbons
When I was a kid a man named Euell Gibbons was on television pitching a bunch of foodstuffs like Post Grapenuts cereal with his expertise based on the acquisition of wild foods and foraging in the uncultivated areas of the country.

I recall reading how he suffered stomach cancer and couldn't help but feel that he had sustained this as the result of his "stalking" of the wild asparagus and other things consumed raw in the wild.

Most assuredly I could be wrong.

Be all of this as it may, aside from various mushrooms which I feel warrant particular attention and identification I think that eating a berry or two from a plant in the wild is okay.

However, I do prefer organically grown cultivated fruits and vegetables as opposed to the wild produce that Mr Gibson preferred.

Today is Wild Foods Day. It is observed annually each October 28 by those attuned to eating from the things that grow wild.

It is also a time to celebrate wildflowers as well as fruit, and vegetables.

People have eaten plants as food items from the wild for millenia.

They are also finding their way into the menus of gourmet establishments as well as raw food places as part of the trendy froth of human existence.

While they indeed may be free of preservatives the pesticides may sometimes quite questionable particularly on foodstuffs found in right of ways and along railroad tracks.

While consuming them may add to some environmentally conscious lifestyle, remember Euell Gibbons.

He developed stomach cancer and died from a diet rich in those wild uncultivated food items he hunted and ate then about which he wrote books.

Be careful.