Ever since I inherited a waffle iron from my stepfather I've been experimenting with waffles at various times in an attempt to finally get them right.
Unfortunately, my waffles remain an imperfect work in progress although I must admit the taste is really good anymore. I feel that's primarily a function of the mix I'm using from The Chef's Store.
Getting the amount of batter right is my major malfunction in the process of waffle creation. Many times I get a 'fractional' waffle with thinner or even incomplete sections. Although they are great tasting they remain far less than the magnificent work of art I had originally envisioned.
Today is yet another Waffle Day.
It is a tradition that is observed in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark — as well as West Columbia South Carolina and corresponds to the Feast of the Annunciation each March 25.
In the United States, National Waffle Day is celebrated in August to commemorate the date of a US patent on a waffle iron.
Often described as "bizarre" or "unique" from a holiday standpoint I take a low key approach and simply celebrate my personal enjoyment and aim to become a proficient artisan of the waffle as a form in both food and art.