
Vendors without Check Out As Guest

    Guest Bag
I have a problem with ecommerce sites that lack CHECK OUT AS GUEST.

You're not getting my business.

Nothing will make me depart from an ecommerce site more quickly than to load up a cart and then be required to add an account.

Too many vendors think we owe them a username and a password and a permanent presence on their site.

It's as though stupid store sites believe that the little X in the upper right corner to simply close the browser is suddenly disabled and that the customer somehow remains at their beck and call.

We don't.

I'd just as soon go elsewhere morons.

I am content to fill out all the demographics and payment information at each transaction and I don't ever guarantee repeat business.

Thank you very much bitches. Terms? What Terms? It's my payment card not yours.

No Checkout as Guest Option

According to a study conducted by Baymard, 35% buyers abandoned their shopping carts because the website forced them to register before placing the order. If a potential buyer wants to buy a dress and is searching for the right colour, design, and brand, the quest can lead to different ecommerce websites.

After adding prefered items to the shopping cart, registering on different ecommerce websites to place an oder can add to the misery of a buyer. Not all buyers want to register with different ecommerce websites for a single purchase.
