
Unscrupulous immoral democrats attempt to steal election

    Consequences may be swift and painful
So as if this weren't both anticipated and obvious the democrat governors of their respective states are attempting to to falsify election results with a mass of ballots automagically appearing in an attempt to change the results to a Biden win.

I'm afraid Fox News is complicent in these highly derrogotory and underhanded proceedings and there are a large number of us watching how things go.

The illegal nefarious proceedings are part and parcel to what we've seen earlier in the SCOTUS justice proceedings and the democrats are now culpable for all manner of felonious interceeding in the legal affars of the US in their never ending struggle to take control of the Republic ... by crook. That's the only way they're going to get it.

These delinquents are surprisingly supported by members of the electorate who should likewise be held accountable for the actions of their leadership.

Personally, I think a slug to the head is appropriate.