
unkept promises

broken promises    

I'm pretty much a stickler for agreements and promises made in my old age.

Wasn't always that way.

I once took a job and cast it aside in an ill conceived mistaken notion that took me on a journey upon which I'd just as soon never gone.

The adage 'birds of a feather flock together' was all to appropos in my sad situation.

It seems that when you immerse your immedate social strata with friends who are typically less than forthright and stalwart individuals it adversely affects your own personality.

So in my present I try to keep every promise.

I avoid those bad influences which led me far astray so long ago.

People like Boatwright and his plethora of drug dealer friends.

People who use others spitefully.

This is why the democrats repulse me.

They are liars, thieves, and cheats and as such should be stricken from the record permanently.

Can you say Adam Schiff, and the rest of the democrat scum of the planet, boys and girls?