
Today is Mayim Bialik's 46th Birthday

Mayim Bialik    
I've been watching Mayim Bialik hosting Jeopardy with Mom lately. I have been a fan of hers since Amy Farrah Fowler appeared on The Big Bang Theory.

The character took me by surprise and I learned to enjoy that which she represented and of course that ran over into my interpretation of the actress doing the portrayal.

Prior to that I watched her a few minutes on Blossom, but that never floated my boat due to the age differential between that series and me ...

I was working the local school district at that time and one of the locations I supported Northside Middle School had a photograph of Blossom on a small bulletin board adjacent to the office desk.

Mayim Chaya Bialik was born December 12, 1975 and is an American actress, game show host, and author.

She has been hosting Jeopardy since August 2021 along with Ken Jennings who we have been watching as well.

I try to let Mom decide what we watch in an effort to provide adequate entertainment ... seeing how I don't really care what is either on air or streaming myself.

Her name is said to mean 'water' in the KJV Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon.

I like her. She is 20 years younger than me and this always makes me think of her portrayal of one of the Wallace Kids on Pumpkinhead when she was 12 years old. Then I was 32.

Young stuff. Young smart educated stuff.

Today is Mayim Bialik's birthday. Now she is 46 and I am 66. Good gracious !

Happy birthday to you !