
Thwarting GPS

Navigation Technology Satellite 2 (NTS-2)
I'm not a big fan of GPS.

I have been known to cut a cable in a cell phone, pop a soldier pad with a heat pencil, and generally cause GPS to fail on my personal electronics as a countermeasure against triangulation attempts to ascertain where I am.

I recall one day when I called the Highway Patrol regarding an accident at malfunction junction how the officer speaking with me was curious as to why she couldn't get a fix on my location ...

I kept it to myself, but that was a GPS cable in my cell phone meeting up with my trusty industrial xacto knife with the ultrasharp carbon steel blade.

Global positioning has lost it's allure for me mostly because google can't get it right to save their stupid leftist libtard asses.

Never in my existence have I seen a tech company so inept with accurate IP to geolocation ... I mean to be a company supposedly immersed in high tech and all.

I keep wondering why they squander their budget on the lackluster innacuracy of the provider they are utilizing for GPS, Geolocation, and in particular IP Geolocation because they simply do not appear to have a clue. They wonder why I firewall them from my networks on a frequent and interemittent basis. It's because I have a low tolerance for stupid and that is their main claim to fame anymore.

And to think of how I held them in the highest esteem early on; you know — when they operated a "real" search engine where you could find what you want instead of this ad mechanization monstrostity which is all they're good for anymore.

On this day in 1977 a first in GPS signalling went down from Navigation Technology Satellite 2 (NTS-2) to Rockwell Collins in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, right about 12:41 am EST.

It's a shame all google can do is screw it up because it's been around a long time now.