
The Warrior Gene and Me

I have felt hostility and rage on numerous occasions during my lifetime. I sometimes I have not the slightest notion of why I engage in such severe reactions while other times I understand completely why I react as I do.

It's almost like I have some aspect of a raging 'hulk persona' embedded in my psyche which surfaces on occasion whether under provocation ... Or triggered by some internal mechanism relevant to my attitude toward a situation, topic, or individual.

This renders me hazardous to be around in the presence of that for which I have disdain should I find myself confronted with situations which warrant severe response.

It also provides a need for vigilance and personal self control.


I attribute some of this all to my genetics.

Over the years I have been a student of Monoamine oxidase A which is produced as the result of the MAOA (mao-a2r) gene.

The sum total of what I have experienced in the way of anger and rage could have just as well been subdued as far as I am concerned. While I do not exhibit antisocial behavior I am decidedly unsocial and fine left to my own devices.

Alternatively, I enjoy the company of young ladies in particular and attempt to be socially aware in the presence of others.

I find the notion of reducing my personal adverse reactions to mitochondrial enzymes as well as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin but alas, there I think is the root cause of the hostility I suppress regularly.

Yes, I truly feel I have at least fragments of the so-called "warrior gene" so don't F☠ck with me or I might jack you up.

While not a proponent of violence and fighting I know where to hit to cause pain and injury. Luckily my modus operandi is self control and moderation in all things. I'm glad that the games some play simply never interested me.

Physical violence has never been an attractant. Jealousy, coercion, emotional edges and other psychological games don't interest me either. My sexual proclivities have never been motivation either. While some are body proud I've never had any such incentive nor desire to enact any form of demonstration toward that end.

I'm just a big subdued lout with designs on fading away outside the confines of violence and subsequent incarceration.