I recently overhauled my server cluster due to the abrupt failure of the web half of the old one coupled with the advancing age of the email half.
There were no real "early warning" errors. Applications began bombing abruptly — Some at regular others at random intervals.
Soon the situation became untenable when interface failures were the predominate feature of my once flawless operation.
Yes, so taking the plunge out of necessity I was set upon by a vastly new list of rules and a new set of their dependencies that at first appeared foreboding.
While I have never been one to panic in the face of adversity, technical or otherwise I saw fit to fret a smidge over the situation which presented itself and I even considered shucking the on prem cluster altogether.
Then while in the midst of innumerable requirements in the form of apps and commands as well as cross references of the various server setup requirements for full functionality I hit on the methodology which would ultimately work for me.
It was Mom who told me to "Take it one bite at a time".
It seems in my panic to be back online posthaste I was trying to multitask too much and forego written notes and it impeded progress.
So I stepped back, took a breath, then got to the business of mapping out everything I needed. It can be said that Notepad++ became a flurry of activity and my FTP server a repository of reinventing the wheel.
A scant 4 days later I was up and runnning. Another two or three days of tweaks and I had created server cluster far beyond that which it replaced.
So now I have yet another server cluster of which to be proud.
The moral of the story is Mom may not know much about the internet of things, but she knows life and when one finds themself being given good advice it's typically beneficial to take it.