
That failure called the Search Engine

google dunce    
So. We've reached that point where everyone has followed google's misguided lead that cooking the search engine results is the only way to go.

Organic search engines which return what you're looking for seems to be a thing of the past.

After those failures called google, duckduckgo, and bing couldn't show me what I was looking for I opted for the canned version owned by the site I was visiting.

I went shopping on the sites of several big box stores and their search engines are just as pitiful as the big three.

Somewhere the conventional wisdom has become "disregard what the user seeks" just show them what you want them to see.

Consequently, I have reduced those ecommerce outlets I once frequented by several.

I'd just as soon walk into a brick and mortar store and look around anymore than trust some faulty search logic such as that promoted by google and adopted by too many others who think they are so-called "experts".

Google is either stupid or has ulterior motives regarding what a search engine is supposed to provide to the user. Likely both. If you are a google proponent you are either stupid or unable to think critically. Aren't you tired of overt manipulation and subterfuge as a way of life?

When you are looking for an item to purchase in particular and get everything but that item aren't you just a little suspicious ?