
Summer Solstice 2022

    solar photosphere

My pagan days ended long ago.

I once pursued knowledge of the Earth. Not the earth sciences but those carnal things which embody the realm of wicca and doing that which was elemental and sometimes very dark.

The term given to me by some was warlock. I never used the apellation myself.

Yes, I was once a student of those earthy rites of passage, legend, and lore but abandoned these for what I believe to be a more correct path quite early on in my journey.

Though I am far from perfect I strive to do better each day.

Today is the Summer Solstice.

Today is the "official" start of summer. The Northern Hemisphere of the planet is angled closest to the sun for the duration of the season.

This tilted alignment results in the longest day and shortest night of the calendar year.

Cultures throughout time immemorial are known to celebrate the sun with rituals and holidays corresponding to the advent of the seasons.

Me, I prefer just to sit back and observe. The universe is well beyond my abilities for anything more and I've done my time pursuing avenues better left untraveled.