
Spineless youtube and facebook Pussies

If you use or watch Youtube or use facebook you are a spineless pussy. These companies which want to control what and how you think continues to see adherents even in light of the glaring violations of the bill of rights of the constitution of the united states.

We are under duress. We are being suppressed. We have leadership in the pocket of foreign agents for pay. We have monetization of the government and nobody is doing anything effective about it.

The next four years will entail the legal and socially acceptable corruption and shady international deals for which the democrats are renoun, proliferation of the swamp, multitudes of new entitlements for foreigners who have not earned any of them in exchange for votes for the democrats.

We now have a leadership more corrupt than we have ever known. A corruption enabled by facebook and youtube and YOU if you use them.

I pledge allegiance to the flags of all the countries that pay me