
Spam blocklists and company due diligence

    spammer my ass stupid
I have an episode with Spamhaus listing me in a list of spammers.

They are collectively listing class C subnets instead of the offending IP addresses and they are using their clout to cast aspersions on my mail server.

My IP address is contained within that group but I neither use nor have any association with it from a standpoint of mail servers and email in particular.

I simply exist within a larger list of Spectrum customers containing an offender ON ANOTHER EMBEDDED SUBNET which isn't me.

They simply must feel that it's a convenient break down regardless of that travesty of the false listing it includes.

A person who sends less than 50 or so emails a year can hardly be a spammer, serious or otherwise.

I noticed the problem when yahoo.com returned an email to me and I decided to do a reputation check.

All I can say for yahoo-hole is they should clean up their own act before involving themselves in mine.

Now I am all for spam block lists. HOWEVER, they should not be including the innocent just because of some arbitrary unit of measurement put into place as a matter of convenience.

I removed Spamhaus from my mail server configuration. After all, with friends like Spamhaus (and yahoo.com) I don't need any enemies.

Irresponsible and lacking due diligence has become the name of the internet game anymore.