
Sometimes Topics Escape Me

Sometimes I'm topically clueless ...    
This is another period of that intermittent difficulty in blogging resulting in a situation where I don't really care to engage anything that enrages me or make fun of something or paraphrase a concept as an exercise in diction.

While I might attribute this to 'writers block' I find the droll summation of that all too insufficient in the great beyond that surrounds me with the wokeness and the stupidity of leftist culture.

I used to have innumerable references which have fallen by the wayside as I now view them as repositories of liberal drivel ...

Those sites like the drudgereport.com, wikipedia.com, nytimes.com, latimes.com, news.google.com, and news.bing.com — those that I used to think were valid news outlets now I view as biased as the dirtbag hairball leftists that operate them.

There's just too much without merit on the web anymore. The mainstream media with their government controllers are the issue. I don't want news concocted and paid for by some governement operative with sights on slanting the truth away from factual reality. Spin doctoring ... this is ALL that goes on now.

Suffice it to say that my search mode has been revamped to exclude those complicit lemmings like CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, and ABC. These sources become increasingly irrelevant with each passing day and it's their own fault.

The truth. The facts. Notions that escape the mainstream media have rendered them irrelevant in my existence. I prefer the truth and maintain a list of sources toward that end that does not include the mainstream media.

Luckily I can always draw upon my experiential world inventory to come up with topical data if push comes to shove. It's just a need for current events which sully the mix with BLM, antifa, and other irrelevant marxist overbearing presence.

I want to join the local militia and get some payback for all the lies and stupid mendacity placed before the world as part and parcel of the left and their idiotic notions.

Adieu !
