
September 2021 is upon us


With the advent of September memories of my youth surface which unfortunately do not represent the world nowadays.

I recall the month of September brought a slightly cooler weather with school startups and new clothes and many times a new school with the seven different schools I attended in 12 years of didactic failure.

It's a wonder I was able to perform anything valuable in society at all much less become the very in demand worker with status and remain exquisitely employable for scores of years when all was said and done.

So now we have idiot politicians overstating dangers of COVID for control of the masses. These are predominately democrat morons and the CDC which answers to them. I see a time when the CDC will be no more because of this over reach. Pelosi and her lapdog Fauci be damned. Trust is a difficult matter to regain when lost in the unseemly manner the democrats and CDC have lost theirs. At least I have the satisfaction of witnessing the miserable failure of the democrat administration and all the dumbass ineptitude it and all of the democrats comprise.

When the populace finally realizes what a bunch of chumps the democrats have turned them into there will likely be hell to pay.

Just remember that chumps. Some of us remained true to our intellects and the science. Too many think a cloth mask is going to save them when it's not really very effective at all.

An N95 respirator is a respiratory protective device designed to achieve a very close facial fit and very efficient filtration of airborne particles. Note that the edges of the respirator are designed to form a seal around the nose and mouth.
Early on September once was a time of pending harvests, carnivals, cupcakes and such. Now it's just a continuation of that drudgery the democrats have wrought onto the nation with impunity with their fear mongering of the ignorant masses unable to discern the truth for themselves.

About the only thing which has remained from the old days is the Autumn equinox which goes down Wednesday September 22 this year.

It's all a shameful mess to be sure.