Today is Self Renewal Day. It is observed each February 2 annually.
The reason for the observance is that people might both improve themselves enhance personal skill sets toward that end.
Self-renewal implies anything done daily for personal growth.
The stepping out of comfort zones and attempting those behaviors which enhance growth and maturity are where this will lead you.
Those are the activities which improve the personality thorough an experiential world inventory beyond that they normally acquire.
These self renewal activities typically boost the mood and enhances the confidence of those participating.
Health maintenance and those things which encompass a lifestyle of good hygiene, nourishment, and the avoidance of toxic additions to the day make you decidedly more self aware and inclined to comport yourself well in the public eye.
Meditation, exercise, and time spent with those for whom you care are simply that cake you enjoy as a result of taking care of business.
Self renewal is a lifestyle choice. Botox is remains simply a pathetic adjunct.