
Scream Day 2023

screaming libtard woman    
Yeah, I don't do much in the way of screaming anymore. Can't really say I have ever done much screaming. It seems that the activity never held any allure for me personally.

Today is Scream Day and is a vehicle for releasing pent up frustrations in an effort to attain calmness.

The so-called "primal scream" therapy by psych people is a good example of screaming to get calm. While you're at it you can get one of their psychological labels for all occasions because that is all they're good for.

Some people can scream at the slightest provocation. Others require more in the way of stimulation.

So if you are so inclined today is a day to let out that long howl with your siberian husky or let one loose into a pillow to muffle the impact on others, or even go to an empty room — or where ever one assumes comfort and have a nice primitive anus puckering soul cleansing scream.

Some chinese medical proponents claim that screaming has added benefits for the liver. I suppose it provides some modicum of catharsis from the accumulation of those beasties which result from the activities of daily living.