
Save The Frogs Day 2023

green tree frog    
When I was a kid I was keen on the capture of frogs and other little critters which I would imprison and call "pets".

Over the years I went through a stage of callous cruelty until my late daddy took me to task over it and since that time — somewhere around yon fifth grade or so — I have worked on my kindess and now when I encounter a critter I will usually go out of my way to accommodate it's immediate needs.

Today is Save the Frogs Day.

It is an annual observance of frog species internationally. This year it happens April 28.

It is also an observance aimed toward conserving the amphibian habitats because frogs in particular are in danger of being wiped out due to pollution and this is due to the encroachment of people.

Save the Frogs Day was founded in 2009 by Dr. Kerry Kriger of the Save the Frogs organization.

A little conservation never hurt anyone. The over 5,000 species eat insects like mosquitos but suffer from habitat destruction, disease, pollution, pesticides.

I make it a point to save every frog I encounter. I try to be a tolerant and accommodating person for the creatures which cannot fend for themselves.

Happy Save The Frogs Day.

See Also:

Toad in the Rain