Back in the day there were politicians. Back when character and reality meant something those in the public eye were cognizant of that image they projected to the world.
Unlike the unsatisfactory miscreants the democrats have substituted for political candidates of late we had those like Ronald Reagan.
Hollywood actor, union leader, and California governor then elected President of the United States and noted for his administration which brought one of the strongest periods of economic growth to the nation he cut taxes, decreased social spending, increased military spending, and actions which brought an end to the cold war.
Ronald Reagan Day is on February 6. Let's remember a true patriot and someone who was actually good for the country instead of this woke trans supporting garbage representation with which we contend nowadays.
All the democrats could give the nation is is a stolen election placing a feeble old senile codger criminal into the white house with his derelect influence peddling son monetizing the public office of his father at the expense of the taxpayer and a dullard vice chief executive who can't do anything beyond giggle inappropriately and engage the public speaking of meaningless drivel. Duh.
Shame on you democrats. Shame on all the failure you have cast upon the country. Shame on your criminal family president. Shame on your unscrupulous, immoral, weak, no character crook politicians.