
Recovering from Recovery

Charlie Brown at his computer    
So I reset my Windoze 10 workstation (yet again) in an effort to make the location tracking work as well as it does on my Mom's machine ... with which she primarily surfs the web.

It's all too easy to forget that profound devastation which occurs when everything that doesn't install with Windows is removed and you are left to your own scrawny devices to make things right again.

So I spent the day restoring what I could, working around what I couldn't and generally being pissed off with the entire nature of Microsoft, Oracle, and everyone else involved in the workings of my machine ...

But it was all to no avail from a standpoint of satisfaction.

I was forced to absorb the damage and left to sink or swim and such is the nature of Microsoft and their product line.

So now I'm pretty much back where I was. Still can't find that LICENSED Microsoft Office disk — so I installed Apache's OpenOffice and Thunderbird and called it a day.

Sometimes you think you have a good idea and it turns out to be an outrageous pain in the butt.

Such is the reset of your Windows 10 installation. I'm on my fifth reset due to stuff not working.

Aaaaargh !