Precipitation is one of those things that I pursue in my immediate vicinity. I am known to walk around in my yard during downpours. I don't mind getting a little wet in the process. This may be due in part to the fact that water is a requirement for life and thusly I am attracted to it by some unknown mechanism in my being.
No, I am not afraid to be considered strange toward this end.
Today is Rain Day. It is observed each July 29 since about the late 1800s ostensibly by the efforts of a pharmacist named William Allison, who first declared the day. It is noteworthy to remember that various people and populations prior to him have celebrated the rain and it's life giving properties with music, folklore, even prayers for millenia.
While I'll probably never wax all Fred Astaire and go singing and dancing through the rain with Ginger Rogers rest assured that I enjoy each and every spate of rainfall in my own way.