
Pondering a Gig Economy

dreams of hundred dollar bills floating    
I'm drawing social security. Each month I get enough to pay all my bills and have about a thousand bucks remaining.

I attribute this to 'making bank' as my friend Sam puts it as a function of my work in the innumerable state technical system teaching contracts spanning some 20 plus years.

I did put away a pile of FICA contributions during this time and now I am reaping those benefits in my ever advancing age.

All of this present day leisure not withstanding, I am bored to the nth degree.

I want nothing more than to immerse myself in a set of difficult problems in an effort to occupy time and make that little bit of fundage social security will permit ...

$18,960 is all I can do annually and not be penalized. This is considerably less than I'm accustomed to making and I'm presently just considering the possibilities as I sit before the tevee ...

As has been the case since I departed the miserable incorporated municipality from whose dismally inept technical leadership I was compelled to escape. A person can only take so much stupid in his life when things cease to become worthwhile endeavors.

Toward that end I am pondering the "gig economy" being touted in some circles as the wave of the future and that direction the world is presently going.

In a gig economy, temporary and flexible jobs are commonplace with companies leaning toward the hire of independent contractors and freelancers instead of the traditional full time employee.

A gig economy undermines the traditional economy of full-time workers who often focus on career development — but at the stage of my game it is a viable alternative given the fact that I can't make much in the way of earnings anyway.

Luckily, I am not in any dire straights in the fiscal arena having everything already covered nicely if all I do is continue to sit and watch teevee like I've been doing so expertly since the stupid bitches ran me off from work with their poor decisions, ebonics in lieu of technological terminology, and total lack of expertise ...

Or even a rudimentary technical grasp of what was being discussed.

But like I said with all this copious off time I now enjoy I remain bored beyond belief ...