
Poetry And The Creative Mind Day 2022

    lady hand with pen to paper

I've always fancied myself on the creative side of the equation. Many with whom I've worked have stated likewise of me in general. I feel that it is not enough to exist, but to create more than what I am myself.

Over the years I have entered contests and such and made it a point to be as artistic as my puny skills allow.

Sometimes I have been successful in these endeavors. Other times I have found myself lacking. However, I am certainly one to continue the effort for whatever good it may provide

Today is Poetry And The Creative Mind Day. Signifying the importance of creative outlets in the pursuit of happiness and health. It is a day for allowing your emotions to show in the form of words or art.

Art is long Life is short

Ars longa vita brevis
As a hand which draws a line
Will wither slow with passing time
Engaging minds to nurture rhyme

Ars longa vita brevis
From the moment time began
Je suis ergo je suis
Creating more than was the man

Dave Williamson circa 1975
SC Statehouse under the Stars and Bars