I pack a well-maintained .357 magnum by Ruger called the Security Six.
It was manufactured back in the 1970s I believe and I inherited it from my late father.
It presently has the original walnut grips installed, but I have a pair of pretty pearl grips I sometimes interchange with those on occasions such as qualification for my concealed weapons permit.
They really do give the piece quite the dressy formal look during cap popping time.
I made it a point to become practiced at head shots and when I qualified for my CWP this became quite evident as I consistently aimed for and mostly struck the head area of the target ...
Out of 100 shots I missed twice according to the instructor.
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I'm not a threatening type of individual. I prefer that 'live and let live' mentality I have pursued for a number of years now.
There was a time when I would be agressive and instigate hostilities; but that was THEN and this is NOW.
Today is Pistol Patent Day.
It is observed each February 25 annually to mark the anniversary of Samuel Colt's first pistol patent in 1835. This first patent was for a revolver, similar to the pistol I routinely carry.
Modern sidearms are a good means of protection for those of us who take them seriously enough to learn how to handle them.
I don't do a lot of joking about guns and shooting people anymore. It used to be a source of humor but I suppose I'm just too old nowadays.
I find it better to attempt peaceful coexistence rather than wanting to draw down on somebody.
Perhaps I grow more civilized each day.
Regardless, happy Pistol Patent Day to you.