Adventures of a cosmopolitan hick and technophile
Piddling Around
Piddling Around
So I've been looking for something to break the boredom to no avail.
I tell you, some of the venues are really pathetic.
Take Craigslist. They have a bunch of people allegedly seeking employees but the headlines and ads are fraught with misspellings and poor grammar.
It makes me wonder just where the heads are on these individuals ... likely up their stupid asses.
Too many seeking specifics and I am a generalist.
When you can adapt to most any situation it doesn't leave you a lot of ways in.
Might as well continue to draw my check and watch television. Likely that is all I'm good for anymore.
I'm very fortunate that job seeking is a desire and no longer a requirement.
The benefits of oldfartdom sparkle brightly in this matter.