Today we remember the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Given some of my very best friends have been and are from Japan I wax rather introspective at this time in light of the fact that war is war and the rules of war lean on the definite violent side ...
Characterized as "a day of infamy" Japan attacked us at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. On the December 7 of 1941 we lost in excess of 2400 people and innumerable hardware assets of our Pacific fleet were destroyed. The cost in service men and women who were killed or injured is the true tragedy of it all.
So we entered World War II and proceeded to kick ass. Too bad the Biden administration has ruined the military. We would not be so formidable at this time because of his stupid woke spin on everything his crook ass becomes involved in.
This sad day was appropriately the day chosen as that to inter my late father, MMCM Jim Williamson, Jr at Clinton United Methodist Church in Salley, SC in the year 2001. Rest in peace, Daddy.