Noise. Sound, especially ones that are loud or unpleasant — or ones that cause disturbance. A harsh discordant mixture of sounds.
Lots of things make noise in our world. So much so that we take measures to eliminate them on occasion. The daily din of racket around us can sometimes drive us to distraction.
Street noise. Traffic noise. Emergency vehicle noise. Industrial noise. That endless talking which turns into noise. Airport noise. Television noise. Radio Noise. Construction noise. gd spanish music noise.
My mama calls some of my most favorite music noise.
Constant or uncontrollable noise can stress us out and raise our blood pressure and heart rate causing the release of stress hormones such as cortisol.
This brings us to Pause the World Day. A day reserved to turn off all sources of noise in our lives as a matter of taking control and decompressing.
On this day, the world should be paused and our troubles should be forgotten.
Some of the recommended remedies are daily activities you might do otherwise.
Have a cup of your favorite hot beverage.
Take a walk in nature. Take a day off fron work. Eliminate that telephone interruption. Do the same with email and messages.
Then you have things like meditation and practicing yoga.
Exercise, get a massage, soak in a hot tub and so forth.