
Pandemonium Day 2023

    Doom Monster
Pandemonium refers to a situation characterized by wild and noisy disorder and confusion in a manner which could only be described as severe uproar.

The word appears in John Milton's Paradise Lost as the "capital of Hell" and the word further has been defined as "demon".

Today is Pandemonium Day.

It is observed on July 14th annually and is a celebration of chaos and mayhem and is primarily a vehicle that one may derive different perspectives on the various upheavals of life.

Pandemonium would once fill my heart with terror but I have been desensitized by the stupid liberals and their insane notions.

I would encounter totally illogical interactions with people who discussed various things not remotely germane to the work at hand.

Finally, I simply began to reject the company of these individuals and they would go away.

Now they believe they have a right to promote upheval in the name of their deviant politics and that I am required by some unwritten law to endure them. Sorry, not gonna happen.

Figuratively or not, pandemonium has no place at work. I am quite the effective squasher of such mess in the office.

Suffice it to say that Pandemonium Day is an homage to all things disorganized, chaotic, and unpredictable. This situation is a broad spectrum phenomenon which may be trivial or devastating.

Goodness, sounds just like the idiotic democratic party of the US with all the many various reprobates which comprise their ranks.

So my personal feelings regarding pandemonium is that it exists somewhat like those realms in the video game Doom, which I used to play all the time.

Mayhem, death and destruction. You can consider them and their effects on this day — but endeavor not to go out and commit them.

Happy Pandemonium Day you devil.

See Also:

Krampusnacht 2019
Evoking Demons
False Impressions for Public Consumption