It is a Christian observance commemorating the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey.
He was greeted by masses of cheering crowds waving palm branches which were then set on the ground along his path as stated in scripture.
It is also called Passion Sunday, marks the week prior to His resurrection, and is also the beginning of Holy Week.
Palm Sunday varies by date annually as do Easter and much of the events of Holy Week. This year it falls on March 24.
This is the most sacred week in the Christian year and includes the Good Friday which was the crucifixion and death of Christ with His subsequent resurrection on the third day.
It is a day of symbolism and remembrance for we, the adherents of the One True God and his Son, Yeshua the Christ.
It is a happy time for me in my spirtuality and wishes for the future ... which in my case hopefully includes the eternity.