Now that we've reached the point where nothing can be trusted because it's some democrat, antifa, or blm contrivance designed to cast subterfuge over the land and stupid republicrat traitors like turd cunt Senator Lisa Murkowski so-called "Republican" from Alaska who really needs to be taken to task.
Just like the snake Lindsey Graham will never see my vote again because he too is a traitorous swine caked in the excrement of his lies and betrayal.
If ever there was a need for the second coming of Christ it is now. Something beyond our existence needs to rid the world of the Pelosi, Shumer, Schiff, Squad, Maxine Waters, BLM, and Antifa scourge which is corrupting everything in the United
So we cannot trust the elections. We cannot trust the democrats. We cannot trust republicans "just because they say they are republicans" either. We have too many "republicans in name only" in collusion with the criminal democrats. We need a good purge of all the the riff raff ... by any means necessary.
I think death squads dealing public hangings and firing squads would be a good start.
We used to all be Amerians. However, this is no longer the case. We now have a robber class of theiving politicized criminals called the democratic party. They are supported by traitors from the republican party like Lisa Murkowski, Lindsey Graham and Tim 'do nothing' Scott who want to be their slaves for their table scraps.
I say it's past time to fight fire with fire and countermeasures. Militias and secession are increasingly where we're headed. A coup would suit me just fine as would releasing and executing all of those sealed indictments I keep reading about.