
Organize Your Home Day 2025

That elusive butterfly of optimal home organization.

Yes, I have sought it unsuccessfully for the vast bulk of my life.

While a cluttered desk is said to be the sign of a genius, I find the clutter somewhat foreboding in the presence of all that remains to be done these days.

I attribute this primarily to that impression of the critical level of slovenly slob which appears to inhabit my psyche.

So I engage an angle of attack which suits my lifestyle and go at it repeatedly. Often I am unsuccessful in that endeavor known as reduced entropy.

Today is Organize Your Home Day. It is a January 14th happening this year and a time to take stock of all the clutter that has been accumulating in your house.

They say to donate what you can and discard what you can’t.

The aim is more effective storage space utilization.

The origins of the day like so may others remain obscure.

Regardless you should get on in there and grab that clutter by the throat and evict it from your premeses.