
OneWebDay 2018

OneWebDay Logo    
A grand vision in the beginning of the World Wide Web and those other components of "the internet" was the freedom of this "global electronic village" where all could be and communicate internationally.

Then came the likes of google, facebook, twitter, youtube and the monopoly called amazon and what have you which were acquired or first created with a stated intent of lack of bias and promotion of the exchange of ideas only to have their leaderships insert surreptitious code designed to filter results to promote the bias taint of the leadership of those companies.

And the netizen sheeples just fall into place and continue to use the tainted platforms because they either don't care, agree with the bias, or are too stupid to realize what is going on.

OneWebDay is an annual observance of internet awareness held the 22nd of September. Founded by one Susan P Crawford, her vision for this day is the cultivation of a group of individuals fostering of care about the future of the internet.

Well, Ms Crawford, your vision has been supplanted by the amazons, googles, facebooks, and youtubes of the world which have decided they will just tell you what you think.