
Odd Hair Colors

At the beginning of my technical career the old 'punk' era in LA gave me pause with the blond tops and black sidewalls, spikes, and the shaved sides gone wild.

I would see various adornments which included safety pins, razor blades, ear and nose plugs, spikes, chains, piercings and other accoutrement I had never encountered in the fashion of persons.

odd hair colors
These days there are odd color choices in hair color in particular. It started with females but now the males are joining in with the green and other primary and crayon shades of unnatural hair colorations.

Likely a fashion statement but also a statement of taste; or perhaps lack thereof. I keep wondering about these and their relevance to those who wear them.

  pink pussy hat
I suppose some of the girls like them because they provide better contrast for their pussy hats and other emblems of resistance to conservative anything.

To look at me you'd likely say 'sour grapes' given my bald pate and white sidewalls that advancing age has bestowed upon me.

I suppose I could go with some of these odd colors like Bobcat Golthwait attempted with blond and ended up with an odd morphodite easter chick coloration.

It just goes to show you how your personal tastes will surface and tell a lot more about you than you might care to reveal.

My heart has never been something I placed upon my sleeve. These strange hair colors make me feel that other strange ideas float around with those snakes inside the heads of those who choose them for themselves.

However, as always, to each their own.