
Obama Day in Kenya 2024

Barry and Big Mike the tranny Obama

Barack Obama Day refers to two days of recognition in the United States in honor of Barack Obama, the lying nasty pervert negro who was mistakenly elected as 44th President of the United States from 2009 to 2017 by the stupid libtard voters of the country.

So he took his tranny wife as first ladyboy to the white house and sullied the nation's repuation with their nasty made in hell relationship. Likely the only so-called "president" married to a chick with a dick. It still circulates in society and runs the democrat party behind the scenes. I wonder how often it gets Barack's shit on it's dick.

It all began when the nasty turds in Illinois elected him to the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. Those morons celebrate this pervert's birthday on August 4 annually when they should be dancing around his and his nasty pervert man wife Big Mike's graves.

☠ To Hell with Kenya.
☠ To Hell with Illinois.
☠ To Hell with Barack Obama the pervert.
☠ To Hell with his male wife Big Mike Obama the other pervert.

Nasty human beings who should not be allowed here.