In the course of my life I've been forced to reevaluate my notions regarding various things toward which I've cultivated attitudes over the years.
One of those is the significance of Indian-Americans as they relate to my world view and personal world inventory.
In the beginning there was Dr Vasant Garde. He was the first person to convince me that others had opinions and experience valuable to my existence.
In continuation of his influence, I was already open to Dinesh D’Souza ...
Whom I follow closely via his podcasts, interviews, and other interactions I have located on the web and other venues.
He is an intellect far beyond my own and I value his insights to the world and those actors who would impose their false narratives upon me such as the US Democratic Party and the left in general.
Dinesh D’Souza is a prolific writer, emminent scholar and intellectual, and has also become an award-winning filmmaker.
Born in India, Mr D’Souza came to the US as an exchange student at the age of 18 and graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Dartmouth College.
I will always be grateful for his 'pulling me from the fire' so to speak as I have been able to temper my world view and gain an appreciation for the people from other cultures who have something to offer to this boy from the deep South that was not there previously.