
Never was a fan of Jack London

Jack London    
When I was a kid I studied both English and literature and sometimes combination classes of both. It was around the 7th grade or so I first heard of Jack London because it seemed that the literature texts were enamoured with him and included Call of the Wild and White Fang — which were period pieces set in the gold rush Klondike.

While I appreciate the popularity and subsequent celebrity these works brought to him, I can never say I liked either work and I certainly didn't appreciate every English teacher thinking it was their moral obligation to insert Jack London as far up my ass as they possibly could ...

but they did nontheless.

John Griffith London aka John Griffith Chaney as born January 12, 1876 and died November 22, 1916. He wrote novels and amassed a great fortune for his efforts. He dabbled in what became later known as science fiction and was a fairly proflific short story author as well.

He circulated in a radical group for the times known as "The Crowd" in San Francisco and was an activist who was pro union, workers rights, socialism, eugenics, and all that naziesque rot I detest so this may have inadvertently influenced my utter loathing for him and his work.

Be all of this as it may he posed for a lot of photographs of himself. Some of these were rather risque and quite daring for the times. The nauseating cutsey nature of some photography peppering that massive lot has me thinking he probably indulged in hours of grinding sodomy at a local San Francisco bath house like most of the other residents of that region as well.

All I can say is the consequences of others forcing this man and his work upon me during my childhood education causes me to be glad he's dead and furthermore I hope someone burns everything he ever wrote. I'm sorry I just don't like him ...

but I don't.