
Network Node Issues

    CyberPower GX1500U
The UPS for my uplink node to mom's network failed this morning.

It started crashing and burning about 8 am and continued for a couple of hours when it went into a rapidly alternating charge/discharge cycle to the point that I shut everything on the node down and contemplated a new UPS.

In my area, the power is not as reliable as it was back when it was called "SCE&G". I'm afraid that Dominion Power simply could give a rip about the foreigners they have invaded at the behest of the incompetent Public Services Commission which could really not care LESS about good service opting what must have been the biggest payment under the table they could swing.

Appearances sure make me wonder anymore.

This is mere speculation, of course but the reality is that this is one crappy power utility the state has brought in to replace the crooks they created themselves.

So, be all of this as it may I fiddled a smidge with the new equipment then tied it into the node and now everything is hunky dory ...

At least as much as it can be in the presence of sheer incompetence of the power utility and the public utilities commisson.

I used to love living here and now I totally hate South Carolina for their insipid inbred people with whom I am forced to contend in my activities of daily living.

Boo Dominion Power.
Boo Public Utilities Commission.
Boo State of South Carolina, land of the insipid inbred southerner.

... and to think I was born here.